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The objective of Thirdle is to guess the correct 3-letter word in three turns or less.
To play Thirdle, use your keyboard or the onscreen keyboard to type a 3-letter word. Submit your guess by clicking
.The letters will then change to one of three colours:
indicates that this letter is in the correct place.
indicates that the answer includes this letter, but you have entered it in the wrong place.
indicates that the answer does not include this letter.
You can get a hint at any point in the game by clicking on the
button.At the end of each game, you will be awarded points:
You will be awarded 100 points if you guess correctly on your first turn.
You will be awarded 75 points if you guess correctly on your second turn.
You will be awarded 50 points if you guess correctly on your third turn.
You will be awarded 25 points if you fail to guess the correct word.
There will be a -25 point penalty if you use the
button.You can view your points and other statistics at any point by clicking on the